Davis & Associates, P.A. provides Legal Updates for all new and incoming public officials.
Following this past March’s local elections and the beginning of a new term of office, Davis & Associates, P.A. welcomes all of its client’s elected officials, both new and returning. Following elections, the municipal governing bodies typically meet for reorganization, in which new members are sworn in and mayors, vice mayors, and chairs are elected or appointed.
During reorganization for our municipal clients, Davis & Associates, P.A. takes time to provide a ‘Legal Update’ memorandum for new and returning elected officials. This Legal Update provides a “10,000” foot view” of most important legal and ethical items that all elected officials should keep in mind.
Specifically, the firm’s current Legal Update includes summaries of the state’s Sunshine Law and Public Records Act requirements, those quasi-judicial proceedings used for development approvals, and those state and county ethics laws that address gifts, general and voting conflicts, and annual financial disclosure and ethics training requirements. Of course, the ‘Legal Update’ is a general overview and our public officials are strongly encouraged to contact us with specific legal or ethical questions that they may encounter during their elected terms.
As illustrated by its annual Legal Update, Davis & Associates, P.A. provides an unmatched level of experience and professionalism in helping its municipal elected officials and staff legally and ethically navigate the local government process.