- September 26, 2017
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Davis & Ashton, P.A. is pleased to announce that we are now working with two new clients
Davis & Ashton, P.A. is pleased to announce that we are now working with two…
Jennifer Ashton spoke at the Florida Municipal Attorneys Association 36th Annual Seminar.
Jennifer Ashton spoke on the Palm Beach County Office of Inspector General funding litigation which…
Keith Davis has been appointed to the Florida Municipal Attorneys Association’s Steering Committee
James Denhardt, Municipal Attorney, Pinellas Park and Redington Shores, and the President of the Florida…
Davis & Associates, P.A., representing the Delray Dunes Homeowner’s Association, helps persuade Village of Golf Council to deny Amazon distribution center request.
On Wednesday, May 12, 2021, the Golf Village Council voted to deny online retail giant…
Keith & Jennifer Davis co-host the 5th Annual Hannah’s Home of South Florida Gala.
We are honored to announce that our very own Keith Davis, and his wife Jennifer,…
Keith Davis has been appointed to the Solo & Small Firm Committee for the Palm Beach County Bar Association.
Congratulations to our very own Keith Davis, who has been appointed to the Solo &…
Davis & Associates, P.A. successfully defends the Town of Manalapan’s decision to grant dock variance.
Last month, the 15th Judicial Circuit Court, appellate division, found for the Town of Manalapan in Haase…
Keith Davis has been hired by the City of Clewiston, Florida to serve as its code enforcement special magistrate.
Davis & Ashton, P.A. is proud to announce that Keith Davis has been hired by…