Keith Davis Re-Appointed to Florida League of Cities Legislative Policy Committee July 14, 2017

Davis & Ashton, P.A. is pleased to announce that Keith Davis has been appointed to the 2017-2018 Florida League of Cities Legislative Policy Committee on Urban Administration. As Part of this committee, Keith will work with other leaders in local government to help shape the League's legislative priorities for the 2018 legislative session. Congratulations to Keith for this well-deserved appointment.
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Municipal challenge of unlawful funding for county-wide inspector general program succeeds on appeal. recently reported on a Florida state appeals court decision that says that Palm Beach County can’t charge cities for an Office of Inspector General (OIG). Keith Davis, a partner at Corbett White Davis & Ashton PA, represented several of the municipalities in the case and believes the ruling is great news and is the correct legal interpretation. In the…
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